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Metropolitan Police Gallantry Awards 1919 - 1938

by alphabetical order of Surname

Surname Christian Name(s) Year of Award Award Rank Details
Abbott John 1921 KPM PS With PC Wallace Churchyard, disarmed and arrested a mentally disordered man who was threatening them with a loaded rifle. Medal at Heritage Centre
Adamson James Dunsmore 1931 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Airton James 1936 KPM PC Extinguished fire in an underground cable box at Ashley Square, Westminster; then entered smoke and fume-filled box in unsuccessful attempt to find a trapped workman.
Allen Joseph 1924 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Allison Bertram 1921 KPM PC Pursued an armed youth stealing equipment from a Camberwell dentist’s house, despite threats and a shot fired at him.
Bacon Charles 1930 KPM Stn PS Rescued a boy from the sea while on holiday at Yarmouth
Baker Robert Henry 1931 KPM PC With PC Alexander McLeod Irvine, overpowered and arrested three of four armed shopbreakers who threatened to shoot them and then put up strong resistance.
Barwick Harry Claude Vivian 1932 KPM PC While on sick-list with foot injury, rescued a boy from Teddington Weir, further injuring his foot in the process
Beacham Henry 1930 KPM PC Single-handed chased five shopbreakers in Old Kent Road, leaping on their car running board and stopping it by hitting the driver. Chased them again as they made escape on foot after attacking him, and arrested one
Beesley Alfred 1924 KPM DS With DS Walter Hobbs completed arrest of bicycle thief who tried to escape from their arrest on the way to the station by wrenching free, shooting Sgt Beesley in the leg, and firing five more shots as the two officers overpowered him
Bellamy Arthur Richard 1919 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Bellinger James 1926 KPM DS With DDI Albert Ward and DS Robert Ellis, overpowered and arrested a known dangerous armed prison escapee who threatened them with a revolver which misfired.
Bertram John Laidlaw 1931 KPM PC With PC Frederick Muggridge, overpowered and arrested a burglar who had fired four shots at them, and produced a second weapon to try again
Bird Royal 1920 KPM PS With 3 other officers went to Waterloo Station to arrest a suspect wanted by Surrey Police. The man produced an automatic pistol with which he incapacitated two officers, before Sgt Bird and PC Riches arrived and after a long chase arrested him.
Blundell Frederick Gilbert 1934 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Bonner Richard 1926 KPM PC With PC Albert Gravett, overpowered and arrested drink-maddened knife-wielding seaman who was terrorising and wounding others in Limehouse Asiatic seamen’s home
Bryant Frank 1919 KPM PC Recovered a deranged man from the River Roding after the man had attacked him with a cutthroat razor
Buchanan Thomas 1921 KPM Insp Whilst a Stn PS pinned an armed robber to the wall in a cinema office until help arrived
Bunce William 1934 KPM PC With PC Frederick Hawkes, overpowered and arrested one of two robbers leaving a jeweller’s shop after being threatened with a sawn-off double-barrelled shotgun and attacked with a knife.
Burton William 1921 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Bush Walter 1923 KPM PC With three other officers involved in chase under gunfire and arrest of the Fenians Reginald Dunn and Joseph O'Sullivan who had just murdered Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson on his Belgravia doorstep
Cain William 1933 KPM DI Jumped from Flying squad car onto running board of three suspect thieves’ blocked car; and jumped on again when he was knocked off as the thieves accelerated away. Successfully grappled with the driver to bring the car to a halt again. All 3 arrested.
Carr Percy 1920 KPM PC With two other officers extinguished fires in two adjacent trucks of a 26 truck ammunition train standing beside a magazine at Woolwich Arsenal. To reach the fires they had to approach through exploding bullets and fuses.
Carter Fredrick 1923 KPM PC With PC John Hayes, chased and arrested an armed man who had intimidated people in the Green Dragon public house, Croydon, and shot at the officers as they approached
Cavalier Cecil Frank 1938 KPM PC Holder of MM. With PC Ernest Swayne, made unarmed search of a church hall, including its darkened loft, looking for a dangerous gunman who had just shot the verger and killed the vicar. Leaped at figure, which proved to be gunman who had killed himself.
Chesterman John William 1938 KPM PC Remained on running board of Soho car thieves’ getaway car, despite violent and ultimately successful attempts to dislodge him. Promptly telephoned Scotland Yard, and the thieves were caught
Churchyard Wallace 1921 KPM PC With PC John Abbott, disarmed and arrested a mentally disordered man who was threatening them with a loaded rifle.
Clayden Alfred 1927 KPM PS With PS Henry Pegler overpowered and arrested a known dangerous armed criminal wanted on a bench warrant, who tried to shoot at them
Cockburn Henry 1933 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Cole James 1930 KPM PC Rescue from burning building. Bar to KPM in 1943
Colvin George Charles 1931 KPM PS Overpowered (with assistance from passers-by) and arrested a deranged man, who had kicked another officer in the head, and had fired a revolver at Sgt Colvin.
Cooper John 1924 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Cozens John 1924 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Cunningham Alexander 1927 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Darke Gilbert 1920 KPM PC With PC Francis Moore, after a struggle and threats against them, arrested an armed bank robber who had escaped to the cover of a wood
Davies David 1919 KPM PC Rescued two workmen overcome by gas in a Mitcham sewer
Day George 1921 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Densham Allan 1936 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Dubber John 1924 KPM PC Arrested armed burglar who shot at him twice.
Duff James 1923 KPM PC With three other officers involved in chase under gunfire and arrest of the Fenians Reginald Dunn and Joseph O'Sullivan who had just murdered Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson on his Belgravia doorstep
Dufficy Patrick
1933 BEM PC PO 6-Jun-1933 King's birthday honours list.   Supplement to London Gazette 3814 but without details of incident
Dunn Duncan 1928 KPM PC With PC William Marshall, made precarious climb along roof edge guttering to rescue woman from fourth floor window of a burning house in Newman Street
Ellis Robert 1926 KPM DS With DDI Albert Ward and DI James Bellinger, overpowered and arrested a known dangerous armed prison escapee who threatened them with a revolver which misfired.
Farrance Thomas 1929 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Fisher George 1925 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Flint Albert 1924 KPM PC Severely injured by knife-wounds inflicted by robber he arrested threatening a woman in Hyde Park
Fox Charles Edmond 1936 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Freeland Edward Ernest 1938 KPM PC With PC Howard James Perry, overcome by hydrogen cyanide gas which was being used to fumigate an old house in Cumberland Terrace. Freeland first rescued a trapped old lady.
Geer Edward 1923 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Gravett Albert 1926 KPM PC With PC Richard Bonner, overpowered and arrested drink-maddened knife-wielding seaman who was terrorising and wounding others in Limehouse Asiatic seamen’s home
Green Percy 1921 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Green Alfred 1927 KPM PC Rescued two men from coal gas in a sewer shaft at Potters Bar
Green Gordon Jack 1936 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Hainsby George 1928 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Hall Charles 1921 KPM PC With PC Jack Lewis, having been supplied with revolvers to apprehend four armed Sinn Fein fugitives, found themselves engaged in a short gunfight with one of them as the suspects decamped from a taxi in Bromley. All were subsequently arrested.
Hall Henry 1930 KPM PC Arrested deranged man threatening bailiffs with a pistol in Holloway
Harding Robert 1925 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Hawkes Frederick Ernest 1934 KPM PC With PC William Bunce, overpowered and arrested one of two robbers leaving a jeweller’s shop after being threatened with a sawn-off double-barrelled shotgun and attacked with a knife.
Hayes Harry 1921 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Hayes John 1923 KPM PC With PC Frederick Carter, chased and arrested an armed man who had intimidated people in the Green Dragon public house, Croydon, and shot at the officers as they approached
Haynes Thomas John 1934 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Hearn Walter 1920 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Hearn John 1938 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s). Holder of MM
Hedges James 1926 KPM PS Arrested warehouse thief after a difficult rooftop chase at the end of which both sergeant and thief fell through a collapsing roof and the ceiling below it
Highgate Albert 1930 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Hobbs Walter 1924 KPM DS With DS Alfred Beesley, completed arrest of bicycle thief who tried to escape from their arrest on the way to the station by wrenching free, shooting Sgt Beesley in the leg, and firing five more shots as the two officers overpowered him
Hood Joseph Henry 1937 KPM PC Although a non-driver, leaped onto the running-board of an inadequately parked police car which started to roll down Gipsy Hill, and succeeded in steering it away from pedestrians until car overturned. Invalided out of Force as a result.
Hopkins William 1926 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Hutchings Henry 1923 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Irvine Alexander McLeod 1931 KPM PC With PC Robert Baker, overpowered and arrested three of four armed shopbreakers who threatened to shoot them and then put up strong resistance.
Jacobi Ernest 1931 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Jaffray Alexander 1921 KPM PC PC Sweet quietened a domestic incident in Endell St, Covent Garden where a man used a poker, tongs and chair to attack both the woman he was living with and PC Sweet. Later, the man attacked PC Sweet and PC Jaffray as they returned to arrest him.
Jameson Alfred Charles 1931 KPM PC With the help of two members of public, overpowered and arrested suspected car thief who pushed a pistol against the constable’s body when he told he was to be arrested.
Jones Christopher 1927 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Jones Reginald Granville 1930 KPM DC Also MM. Overpowered and disarmed a suspect who was in the act of shooting at him in Southwark
Kenwood Thomas Jack 1931 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Kidd Charles 1919 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
King Frederick William 1934 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Le Count Edward Arthur 1932 BEM for gallantry PC Climbed up shop front of grocer's shop on fire in Leyton, and , despite thick smoke, assisted firemen in rescuing occupants of building. Also presented with a medal by the Mayor of Leyton. PO 3.6.1932 & Police Review 10.6.1932 
Lemmon James 1934 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Lewis Jack 1921 KPM PC With PC Jack Lewis, having been supplied with revolvers to apprehend four armed Sinn Fein fugitives, found themselves engaged in a short gunfight with one of them as the suspects decamped from a taxi in Bromley. All were subsequently arrested.
Lovegrove Henry 1924 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Lovejoy Ronald King 1930 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Lyddon Leslie 1927 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
March Walter 1923 KPM PC With three other officers involved in chase under gunfire and arrest of the Fenians Reginald Dunn and Joseph O'Sullivan who had just murdered Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson on his Belgravia doorstep
Marshall William 1928 KPM PC With PC Duncan Dunn, made precarious climb along roof edge guttering to rescue woman from fourth floor window of a burning house in Newman Street
Martin Charles 1923 KPM DC With DC Percy McDouall, arrested an armed confidence trickster, even though in resisting arrest he pushed DC McDouall’s head through the plate glass window of the Brownie Restaurant in Victoria Street.
McDouall Percy 1923 KPM DC With DCCharles Martin, arrested an armed confidence trickster, even though in resisting arrest he pushed DC McDouall’s head through the plate glass window of the Brownie Restaurant in Victoria Street.
McLaren Laurie Andrew 1934 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Mead Thomas 1926 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Mewton William 1920 KPM PC With two other officers extinguished fires in two adjacent trucks of a 26 truck ammunition train standing beside a magazine at Woolwich Arsenal. To reach the fires they had to approach through exploding bullets and fuses.
Miller Alfred Robert Henry 1934 BEM for gallantry PC With PC Wilkins, showed courage determination and skill in chasing & arresting two dangerous gangs of motor bandits within two nights of each other. PC Miller jumped on to running board and smashed windscreen with truncheon. Awarded £10 from Bow Street
Minnis Robert Henry 1931 KPM PC Seriously injured, throwing himself in the path of a car to push clear a four-year-old girl who had dashed out into the traffic. The incident was seen by HRH the Duke of York, (later George VI), whose detective called the ambulance.
Monnery William 1920 KPM PC With two other officers extinguished fires in two adjacent trucks of a 26 truck ammunition train standing beside a magazine at Woolwich Arsenal. To reach the fires they had to approach through exploding bullets and fuses.
Moore Francis 1920 KPM PC With PC Gilbert Darke, after a struggle and threats against them, arrested an armed bank robber who had escaped to the cover of a wood
Morris Edward 1936 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Morris Walter 1935 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Mounce Reginald Ernest 1937 KPM PC Rescued 7-year-old boy trapped under a barge in the Grand Surrey Canal at Peckham, and almost saved his life with artificial respiration
Muggridge Frederick George 1931 KPM PS With PC John Laidlaw Bertram, overpowered and arrested a burglar who had fired four shots at them, and produced a second weapon to try again
Murphy Denis Henry 1931 KPM PC Permanently injured when hit by a car out of whose path he was pushing an 11-year-old boy who had started to run across the road.
Newing Cecil 1929 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Norman Percival 1925 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Nott-Bower John Reginald Hornby 1931 KPM Special Supt. Whilst serving in the Indian Police in Allahabad, confronted an armed man wanted for terrorism offences and was shot in the arm.   Later, became Commissioner of Metropolitan Police.
Ockey Edward Michael 1930 KPM DI Leaped from Flying Squad car onto running board of suspects’ 50mph getaway car. Beaten off with a jemmy hitting his hands and head, and almost killed by fall and police pursuit car.
Ost Frederick 1920 KPM PC With PC Frederick Wright arrested an armed burglar who had fired seven shots at them and put shots through their clothing as they attempted to arrest him with an accomplice
Pattenden Sidney 1933 KPM PC Shot three times, once close to the heart, by thieves he and a colleague interrupted in a Thames Ditton tennis pavilion. Invalided out of the Force because of his injuries
Peckover Harold 1925 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Pegler Henry 1927 KPM PS With PS Alfred Clayden overpowered and arrested a known dangerous armed criminal wanted on a bench warrant, who tried to shoot at them
Perigo Lawrence Austin 1937 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Perry Howard James 1938 KPM PC With PC Edward Freeland, overcome by hydrogen cyanide gas which was being used to fumigate an old house in Cumberland Terrace. Freeland first rescued a trapped old lady. Perry pulled the other two clear before himself collapsing.
Powell Harry 1921 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Raymond Walter Ernest 1931 KPM PC Restrained a woman threatening suicide from a parapet 40ft above the road, and carried her to safety along the roof edge guttering
Richardson George 1920 KPM PC With 3 other officers went to Waterloo Station to arrest a suspect wanted by Surrey Police. The man produced an automatic pistol with which he incapacitated two officers, before Sgt Bird and PC Riches arrived and after a long chase arrested him.
Riches Frederick 1920 KPM PC With 3 other officers went to Waterloo Station to arrest a suspect wanted by Surrey Police. The man produced an automatic pistol with which he incapacitated two officers, before Sgt Bird and PC Riches arrived and after a long chase arrested him.
Roberts Percival 1928 KPM PC Overpowered and arrested a man who was terrorising a public house with a pistol, and fired at the PC
Robins William Albert 1934 KPM PC Rescued from the River Lea a violent suspect he had been pursuing while in plain clothes, and sustained injury from the man’s struggle
Robinson Charles Frederick 1936 KPM PC Laboured to rescue a man from a falling shopfront following an explosion in Southwark, while 22 tons of debris rained down
Ruddock Bertram Wellesley 1935 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Russell Arthur George 1935 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Rutherford John 1924 KPM DC Arrested armed gang leader who shot at him, when two armed gangs were threatening to fight each other in a Holborn pub
Sadgrove Charles 1924 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Sayer Cecil 1923 KPM DC With three other officers involved in chase under gunfire and arrest of the Fenians Reginald Dunn and Joseph O'Sullivan who had just murdered Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson on his Belgravia doorstep
Scheide Alfred 1933 KPM PC Seriously injured in unsuccessful attempt to push little girl out of the path of a car in Brentford.
Shelah Edward Onan 1935 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Smith George 1921 KPM PC Rescued a hysterical housemaid from a dangerous rooftop in Battersea
Smith Claud Douglas 1935 KPM DI Overpowered and arrested an armed robber who tried to shoot him at pointblank range, having already shot down one of the constables accompanying DI Smith and fired several times at police.
Sparks Henry George 1929 KPM PC Showed courage in dealing with runaway horse(s)
Starkey Robert Mackintyre 1938 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Steele Kenneth Walter 1936 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Stone Frederick Mark 1928 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Stubbs Francis 1919 KPM PC Arrested an army deserter despite being kicked and injured by a knife
Sullivan Maurice 1920 KPM PC Arrested one of two armed burglars he had been chasing as they fired five shots at him, and later attacked him with a jemmy
Swan Robert 1933 KPM PC Arrested one of a gang of safebreakers he interrupted in Walworth, despite being knocked to the ground with a jemmy and severely injured.
Swayne Ernest Walter 1938 KPM PC With PC Cecil Cavalier, made unarmed search of a church hall, including its darkened loft, looking for a dangerous gunman who had just shot the verger and killed the vicar. Leaped at figure, which proved to be gunman who had killed himself.
Sweet Percy 1921 KPM PC PC Sweet quietened a domestic incident in Endell St, Covent Garden where a man used a poker, tongs and chair to attack both the woman he was living with and PC Sweet. Later, the man attacked PC Sweet and PC Jaffray as they returned to arrest him.
Taylor Samuel 1921 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Thomas John 1921 KPM PS Rescued a would-be suicidal lady from a dangerous window sill, despite her attacking him with a curtain rod.
Thomson James Warrender 1936 KPM PC Posthumous. Sacrificed his life clearing pedestrians from the path of a heavy cement lorry out of control down Barnet Hill. His case led to the establishment of the Roll of Honour in Back Hall. See Encyclopedia.
Timmins Harry 1935 KPM PC Awarded KPM as the result of action to save somebody from drowning in the River Thames, in another river or in a dock or canal.
Todd Walter Henry 1934 KPM PC Arrested armed thief escaping from a garage whose confederate had just fired at him.
Turnell Harry Joseph 1938 KPM PC Rescued small child from electrified train line near Blackheath and rescued small child from electrified train line near Blackheath and brought the child to safety despite receiving severe shock and danger from trains.
Turpin Albert 1928 KPM PC Rescue from burning building
Vincent Harold 1925 KPM PC Calmly talked armed burglar into putting down his weapon and surrendering to arrest.
Wallen Robert 1933 KPM PS Seriously injured and invalided out of the Force when he successfully pushed a young girl out of the path of a car in Clerkenwell Road
Ward Albert 1926 KPM DDI With DI James Bellinger and DS Robert Ellis, overpowered and arrested a known dangerous armed prison escapee who threatened them with a revolver which misfired.
Webber Albert 1920 KPM PC Rescued a workman from poisonous fumes following a gas explosion in the lower compartments of the German battleship Baden, undergoing a refit at Invergordon, where PC Webber was seconded to the Royal Dockyards
Wilkins Wilfrid Ivor Randolph 1934 BEM for gallantry PC With PC Miller, showed courage determination and skill in chasing & arresting two dangerous gangs of motor bandits within two nights of each other. PC Miller jumped on to running board and smashed windscreen with truncheon. Awarded £10 from Bow Street
Williams Harry 1920 KPM PC Disarmed and arrested a drunken US Marine who was shooting at him near Grosvenor Square.
Williams William 1920 KPM PC With 3 other officers went to Waterloo Station to arrest a suspect wanted by Surrey Police. The man produced an automatic pistol with which he incapacitated two officers, before Sgt Bird and PC Riches arrived and after a long chase arrested him.
Wood Wallace 1927 KPM PC Rescued two workmen from poisonous bitulac gas in a narrow water main at Feltham.
Wood Frank William
1933 BEM PC PO 6-Jun-1933 King's birthday honours list.   Supplement to London Gazette 3814 but without details of the incident
Wright Frederick 1920 KPM PC With PC Frederick Ost arrested an armed burglar who had fired seven shots at them and put shots through their clothing as they attempted to arrest him with an accomplice

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