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Stories from Scotland Yard

Investigation techniques

Murder cases


Police Stations



1837 Map


There are many wonderful stories in the history of Scotland Yard.  Some of them are contained in this website so that you may have a flavour of the rich heritage of Britain's policing.

Some are concerned with the investigation of murder and other crime;  others relate the details of famous policing incidents.    Additional cases not dealt with by Scotland Yard have also been included .

Search for the stories which interest you, or click on the subjects listed on the left.  You may also use the index, or scroll down through the list


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A6 murder

Albert Medal

Allen, Mary Women's Police Service

Allen, Sislin Fay - first female black officer

Altheide, Paul

Armstrong, Herbert Rouse

Ashworth, Dawn


Baby farming

Badges of rank

Ballistics and the case of PC Gutteridge

Barlow, Kenneth

Bartlett, Adelaide

Beck, Adolf

Bennett, John

Black police officer (Norwell Roberts)

Blood grouping

Bordet, Jules

Bower Eli

Bowes, Albert

Boyle, Nina

Bradford, Sir Edward

Brighton Trunk Murders

Brill, John

British Empire Medal

Browne and Kennedy

Brides in the Bath Case

Burke and Hare

Bush, Edwin

Buswell, Harriet

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Carraher, Patrick

Casement, Sir Roger

Cecil Court Antique Shop murder

Chantrelle, Eugene

Charlie Peace

Chapman, George (@Severin Klosowski)

Chikatilo, Andrei

Churchill, Edwin and Robert

Cole, PC George

Commissioner shot on doorstep - 1912

Comparison Microscope

Constance Kent

Coram Street Murder (Harriet Buswell)

Courvoisier, Francois

Coventry, Pamela

Cream, Dr Neill


Culliford, Dr Brian

Culshaw, Edward


Dagg, Raymond

Damer Dawson, Margaret and the Women's Police Service

Davis, Eliza

Detectives, The Trial of, 1877

Dickman, John

Dinivan, Walter

Divisions - 1837


Donald, Jeannie

Dougal Samuel

Dunne, John

Dyer, Amelia - baby farming

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Early days of the Metropolitan Police


Emmett, Florence

Eskdaleside Murder


Famous Crimes List

Field, Jack (and William Gray)


Society for the Protection of Life from Fire

Flying Squad

Fox, Sidney

Foxtrot 11 - Shepherd's Bush Murders


Gallantry Awards

Gallantry Award holders

Gardiner, William

George Cross and George Medal

Goddard, Henry

Gold, Isaac

Good, Daniel

Gould, Richard

Greenacre, James

Greenwood, Harold

Grimwood, Eliza

Michael Gregsten (A6 murder)

Gutteridge, PC (Browne & Kennedy)

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Hanratty, James

Hanson, Nanette

Haytread, George

Heath, Neville

Hessel, Dr Gottfried

History - the formation of the Metropolitan Police

Holland Camille

Hooded Man Case

Royal Humane Society



Igii, Tamego


The Irish Crown Jewels case

Italian Boy Murder

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Jack the Ripper

Jeffreys, Professor Sir Alec

Joyce, William (Lord Haw Haw)


Kane, John, investigating the theft of Irish Crown Jewels

King's Police Medal

Kirby, Dick

Knowles, Benjamin

Kray Brothers


Lamson, Dr George

Karl Landsteiner

LeFroy, Percy (@ Mapleton)

Ley, Thomas (and Lawrence Smith)

Locard, Edmund

Lie detectors

Lombroso, Cesare

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Mancini, Tony (Brighton Trunk Murders)

Mann, Lynda

Mapleton, Percy LeFroy

Markov, Georgy

Matthews, Annie

Maybrick, Florence

Mayne, Sir Richard

McBrian, Alexander

McBride, William

Melias, Robert

Merrett, John Donald (@Ronald Chesney)

Metesky, George

John Henry Mitchell AM BEM

Moat House Farm

Monson, Alfred

Morrison, Stinie

Muller, Franz

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Nodder, Frederick

Roberts, Norwell


Offender profiling

"Old Bill" - the origin of the phrase

Origin of the name "Scotland Yard"

Orphanage - The Metropolitan and City Police Orphans Fund

Orrock, Thomas

Otway, Charles


Palmer, William

Payne, Roger

Peace, Charlie

Pearce, Nicholas

Sir Robert Peel

Penry, Jacques

Pereira, Dr  Margaret

Petiot, Marcel



Pitchfork, Colin and DNA

Priestly Helen

Pritchard, Dr Edward

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Queen's Police and Gallantry Medals


Rank Structure

Rattenbury, Alma (and George Stoner)

Receiver - John Wray

Recruits - list for 1829 -1830

Relf, Richard - baby farming investigator

Richardson, Thomas

Road Hill House Mystery

Royal Humane Society

Roberts, Norwell

Rouse, Alfred Arthur

Rowan, Sir Charles

Rush, James B

Russell, Lord William

Ruxton, Buck

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Sangret, August

Schwartz, Charles Henry

Scotland Yard - Headquarters of the Metropolitan Police

Scotland Yard's name

Seddon, Frederick

Serology (blood analysis)

Shepherd's Bush Murders

Ship chase across the Atlantic

Siege of Sidney Street

Slater, Oscar

Smethurst, Dr Thomas

Edith Smith, first female officer with power of arrest

George Joseph Smith

Smith, Madeleine

Sophia Stanley

Stauntons, Louis and others

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Tanner, Inspector Richard

Taylor, Professor Alfred Swain

Telegraph, electronic

Templeman, John

Tessnow, Ludwig

Thompson, Edith (and Frederick Bywaters)

Thurtell & Hunt

Toms, John

Tottenham Outrage

Emma Townsend GC


The Trial of the Detectives, 1877

True, Ronald


Uhlenhuth, Paul


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Vaquier, Jean-Paul

ss Veronica


Wainwright, Henry

Walls, Inspector Arthur

Waltham Abbey Officers

Warrant Numbers

Webster, Kate

West, Fred & Rosemary

Westwood, Robert

Whicher, Jonathan, and the Road Hill House Mystery

Whitechapel Murders

Wigwam Murder (August Sangret)

Williams, John (@ George McKay) - Hooded Man Case

Women Police

Wood, Robert, first to be acquitted after giving his own evidence

John Wray - first Receiver

Frances Maud Wright - Albert Medal holder


Marion Young

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