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Scotland Yard's Headquarters from 2000

[Compiled in July 2019 and subject to potential research errors and subsequent changes]


In 2000, the Home Secretary relinquished the responsibility of being the Police Authority for the Metropolitan Police Service.   The post of Receiver was abolished, and the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority took responsibility for the MPS.   MOPAC, ‘Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime’ was introduced.  Parts of Essex, Hertfordshire and Surrey were transferred to neighbouring police forces to make boundaries align with those country boundaries.   Under the then Sir John Stevens as Commissioner, each London Borough then became the territorial basis of one single Borough Command Unit.


The number of Assistant Commissioners was reduced to: Territorial Policing, Specialist Operations and Policy Review & Standards (PRS).   The post of Head of Human Resources was held by a serving Assistant Commissioner for a short period before reverting to a senior member of the civil staff.


This reorganisation entailed the effective abolition of Areas, with their uniformed policing support units (eg Dogs section, Mounted Branch, Territorial Support Units, Traffic) being transferred to a DAC in charge of Westminster and pan-London units.   Major crime investigations were transferred from Areas to SO1.   Four Commanders each undertook some responsibility for oversight of Boroughs in a quarter of London.


The Deputy Commissioner’s Command then held:

·         Directorate of Public Affairs (DPA)

·         Corporate Development Group (Best Value, Strategic Planning)

·         Directorate of Information

·         Diversity Directorate


and, through the AC (PRS):

·         Operational Policy Support Unit

·         CIS Consultancy Group

·         Directorate of Legal Services

·         Directorate of Professional Standards

·         Directorate of Quality Performance and Review

·         Realignment.


SO1 contained

(1   Murder Operations centre

      Serious Crime Group - SCG West

      SCG East

      SCG South

  (   Operation Trident (drugs dealing and violence in Brixton and elsewhere)

      Forensic Support


Other SO branches included:

SO5 Child Protection

SO7 Serious and Organised Crime


By February 2002, some adjustments were made:


The Deputy Commissioner’s command added MPS drugs policy and coordination. 

AC Specialist Operations dealt with counter terrorism, Special Branch, protection, the SO19 firearms branch, and Heathrow Airport.

AC Crime and Intelligence was responsible for drug enforcement and diversion, RIPA (regulation of investigatory powers such as telephone intercepts), NIM (National Intelligence Model), homicide, specialist crime including child protection and cross border & organised crime.

C3i was a project to reorganise command and control systems including the response to 999 calls and the replacement of Divisional control rooms with a more centralised system.  

AC Territorial Policing had two DACs, one of whom was responsible for Borough Commanders and Crime Operations;  DAC Operations Support  dealt with patrol and C3i, operational performance & coordination, community safety & partnership, investigation & criminal justice, public order and pan-London units, and transport.

Transport OCU took charge of policing on London buses




Under Commissioner the then Sir Ian Blair, with the London Olympic Games being planned, there served the Deputy Commissioner and five Assistant Commissioners:


AC Territorial Policing was responsible for senior officers with the following roles:

·         Director of Operations

·         Director of Business Development

·         Borough Commander, Westminster

·         Territorial Policing Violent Crime and SW Link Commander

·         Volume Crime and Criminal Justice

·         Modernising Ops, Performance and SE Link Commander

·         NE Link Commander

·         Safer Neighbourhoods and NW Link Commander


AC Central Operations

·         Olympics

·         Head of Olympics OCU

·         Public Order

·         Public Order and pan-London Units

·         Security and Protection

·         Traffic and transport

·         Specialist Firearms OCU and National Identification Bureau

·         Head of Business Support


AC Specialist Operations

·         National Coordinator of Terrorist Investigations

·         Royalty and Personal Protection

·         Security Command

·         Protection Command


AC Specialist Crime Directorate  (with some Branches having SCD prefix)

·         Director of Operations and Tasking

·         Deputy Director of Intelligence

·         Homicide

·         Trident/Criminal networks

·         Director of Forensic Services

·         Child Abuse and Economic Crime

·         Covert policing

·         MIB

·         Director of Business Support


AC Operational Services (later Professional Standards and Intelligence)

·         Diversity and Citizen Focus

·         Deputy Director of Professional Standards

·         July Review Group

·         Head of Central Communications Command

·         Director of Legal Services

·         OS Business Manager




In 2012 Central Operations seems to have included:

Specialist Firearms and Roads Policing

Public Order & Operational Support

CO1 Business Development & Business Support

CO3 Emergency preparedness

CO5 Firearms Command Unit

CO11 Public Order & Operational Support OCU (Operational Command Unit), including

CO11(2) Public Order Training,

CO11(3) Mounted Branch,

CO11(7) Dog Support Unit

CO11(8) Marine Policing Unit

CO11(9) Air Support Unit

CO15 Traffic OCU

CO16 Traffic Criminal Justice

CO19 Specialist Firearms Command

CO20 Territorial Support group (with Units TSG1 – TSG5)


Specialist Operations included:


SO1 Specialist Protection

SO6 Diplomatic Protection

SO14 Royalty Protection Department

SO15 Counter Terrorism Command

SO17 Palace of Westminster

SO18 Aviation Security

SO20 Counter Terrorism (CT) Protective Security Command

SO23 Specialist Operations Olympic Command


Specialist Crime included:


SCD1 Homicide & Serious Crime

SCD2 Sapphire (rape investigation)

SCD3/20/26 Prevention & Partnership/  Crime Academy / Operational Information Service

SCD4 Forensic Services

SCD5 Child Abuse Investigation

SCD6 Specialist & Economic Crime

SCD7 Serious & Organised Crime

SCD8 Trident (gang crime, often drugs and firearms-related)

SCD9 Human Exploitation & Organised Crime

SCD10 Covert policing

SCD11 Criminal Intelligence

SCD12/15 Business Support

SCD30 Olympic Intelligence Unit


After the London 2012 Olympic Games, Specialist Crime and some Specialist Operations combined:


SCO1 – Homicide and Serious Crime Command

SCO2 – Rape and Serious Sexual Assaults Command

SCO3 – Specialist Crime Reduction Command

SCO5 – Child Abuse Investigation Command

SCO7 – Serious and Organised Crime Command

SCO8 – Trident Gang Crime Command

SCO9 – Specialist and Economic Crime Command

SCO10 – Covert Policing

SCO11 – Surveillance


SCO15 - Traffic OCU

SCO16 – Performance Improvement Unit

SCO19 – Counter Terrorist Specialist Firearms Officers

SCO20 – Territorial Support Group


SO1 – Specialist Protection

SO15 - Counter Terrorism Command

SO17 – Palace of Westminster




Four Assistant Commissioners are responsible for Frontline Policing, Met Operations, Specialist Operations and Professionalism.   Departments run by Assistant Commissioners, or sections of them, had sometimes been referred to as Directorates, with short titles then being shown as, for instance, SCD7.


Assistant Commissioner Frontline Policing is responsible for what was previously Territorial Policing,

12 Basic Command Units (each comprising two or more London boroughs), plus Specialist Crime North, Specialist Crime South, and Central Specialist Crime.


Another Assistant Commissioner took charge of large parts of what had previously been Specialist Crime and Operations, now known as Met Operations:

MO1 - Chief Officers Group

MO2 – Met Intelligence

MO3 – Covert policing

MO4 – Forensic Services

MO5 – Covert governance

MO6 – Public Order Planning

MO7 – Taskforce (Territorial Support Group; Marine Policing Unit; Dog Support Unit; Mounted Branch)

MO8 – Roads and Transport Policing Command

MO9 – Met Detention

MO10 – Met Prosecutions

MO11 – Operational Support Services

MO12 – Met Command & Control

MO19 – Specialist Firearms Command


Assistant Commissioner Specialist Operations took charge of:


Protection and Security Operations (headed by a DAC)

·         Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection (PaDP)

·         Royalty and Specialist Protection (RaSP)

·         Aviation Policing (AP) – Heathrow and London City airports


Counter Terrorism Command (CTC - SO15) (headed by a DAC)


Summary of Branches:


SO1 – Specialist protection (now within Protection Command)

SO2 – Crime Support branch / Departmental Support Group

SO3 – Scenes of Crime Branch / Directorate of Forensic Services (now part of Specialist Crime          Directorate as SCD4 Forensic Services)

SO4 – National Identification Service

SO5 – Miscellaneous Force Indexes / Child Protection (now SCD Child Abuse Investigation team)

SO6 – Fraud Squad (now SCD6 Economic and Specialist Crime)

SO7 – Serious and Organised Crime (renamed to Serious and Organised Crime Group SCD7)

SO8 – Forensic Science Laboratory

SO9 – Flying Squad (now in SCD7, but retains same title and role)

SO10 – Crime operations Group (now SCD10 Covert Policing)

SO11 – Criminal Intelligence Branch

SO12 – Special Branch (merged with SO13 to become Counter Terrorism Command)

SO13 – Anti-Terrorism Branch

SO14 – Royalty Protection Branch (now within Protection Command)

SO15 -  Counter-Terrorism Command

SO16 – Diplomatic protection Group (now within Protection Command)

SO17 – Police National Computer Bureau (now with Police Information Technology Organisation)

SO18 – Aviation Security / Airport policing (now within Aviation Policing)

SO19 – Force Firearms Unit (SCO19 now CO19)

SO20 – Forensic Medical Examiners Branch


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